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Slices for Sight Fundraiser with Delta Gamma

Thank you to Delta Gamma Sorority at Cal Poly for sponsoring the GO See Foundation as part of their annual Slices for Sight function.

Several of our board members as well as plenty of other supporters joined in the fun, pizza, cakes and pies.

Morro Bay Sea Otter Tour

On September 27th, 2019 the GO See Foundation coordinated a guided Sea Otter Expedition on the Embarcadero in Morro Bay in honor of Sea Otter Awareness Week. 5 visually impaired individuals were able to participate thanks to the help from several volunteer sighted guides and folks providing transportation. After the tour, the GO See Foundation sponsored lunch at Tognazzini’s.

A special thanks to Norma Wightman and California State Parks for providing an educational “hands on” event.

SLO Skiers Club Donates $500

Thank you so much to the SLO Skiers Club for your group donation to the GO See Foundation of $500.

Steve Urbani, Board Member of the SLO Skiers Club presenting Allyson and Olga on behalf of the foundation with a $500 donation check at the SLO Elks Lodge.

Morro Bay Tandem Kayak Event

The GO See Foundation sponsored an adventurous guided tandem kayak tour in Morro Bay lead by Tom from Central Coast Kayaks. 11 people in all (including several volunteer sighted guides) had a fantastic day out on the bay with lunch afterwards. 

A special thanks to Thrivent for their $250 grant to support the event plus t-shirt donation for all participants.